About Us
Horse Boarding in Edmonton
Our clients can be confident in the care that we provide. While horse owners are usually faced with stress and worry about their equine partner when having to board them; our clients rest easy. We pay attention to even the smallest detail and the care of these horses always comes first. We welcome all breeds to our stables, from pleasure to competition riders. Our facilities are very well maintained and we try to constantly upgrade and improve. Indoor stalls are available if the need arises.

Good Quality Home Grown Hay
Knowledgeable and Helpful Staff
Full Access Clubhouse
Shelters and Trees
Mares and Geldings Kept Separate
Large Outdoor Round Pen
Free Choice Hay
Several Large Paddocks
Giant Outdoor Arena
Mature Pastures
Automatic Heated Water System
Now booking for special events!
Birthday, picnic, pony rides for under 10 years old.